We all have a time frame when we learn the most and we are either a morning person or a night person. Personally I am a night person so I learn more during the night. These are a few things that we should do before studying our bible verses.

  • Practice the verses on your time frame or a time when you are less distracted and don't have much in mind.

  • You can drink coffee to be more alert on what you are reading

  • you could try to remember one verse at a time if you are not good in memorization. 

  • Flash cards are really helpful (on one side you write the book,chapter, verse and on the other side the actual verse

  • To make it a little more fun, do it with a friend. Set a goal of how many verses you both want to learn in a year and start practicing.

  • Fall in love with the word. (They are Gods words by the way so make them relatable)

  • Use the verses you already know and the ones you are learning  in prayer.

  • HAVE FUN!!!  You have to enjoy learning new Bible verses because if you don't then you will just get bored and not want to do it again.

So I hope these tips helped because they have helped me. And its okay if you memorize only 5 verses now, because you are trying and God sees that.


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