Do not fear, you are more than enough Jeremiah 1: 4-10

 God bless you all in a special way.

I was talking to a family member about these verses and God spoke to both of us in a special way and I thought of sharing what God has spoken to us with you guys. 


Jeremiah 1: 4 - 10


Here we see that Jeremiah is talking about a personal occurrence. This is not a second hand experience but a personal one with God.

1 - God starts of by telling him about his divinity and sovereign and telling Jeremiah that He knew him before he was even formed in his mother womb because God knows all things before they even happen. God knows us more than we know ourself, he knows our intentions in what we do what we do or say what we say. When we truly seek God He knows that, when we repent by heart for what we did he also knows that. on verse 5 God tells us that he "consecrated" Jeremiah meaning that God himself set Jeremiah apart for His purpose. God proceeds to tell Jeremiah that He has called him to be a prophet. 

God has called us to be the light of the world right? He has set us a part from the world, meaning we cannot act like this world does, we cannot talk the way they do or dress the way they do because we are different we serve a different master. God has called us to do His will whether we understand the calling or not, whether we are scare or confused he will help us and guide us. 

2- We see Jeremiah's humbleness when he answers God "Alas sovereign Lord,  I do not know how to speak; I am young". Ant the Lord answers with, "Do not say, you are too young" and I can understand that we sometimes limit God to what we can see being done instead of knowing He can do all things and He doesn't need to explain to us how he will do it. This reminds me of when God told Moses that God will use him to get His people out of Egypt, and Moses said to God "I don't talk well, I've never been good with words" Exodus 4:10-14

3 - God gives Jeremiah authority on verse 10 because Jeremiah was willing and had an open heart to do Gods will. But ONE thing I want us to always remember that we can see in this story is that when God calls us to do something for him and we give our all to God, He will not only enter our life, use us but also bless others through us and offer us his protection just like he did for Jeremiah on verse 8. 


so let's start living a life completely for God and obeying God even when we don't completely understand why or how just trust him because He promises to protect us and love us. we are more than enough!

Listen when God speaks to us, whether in a dream or through a person just believe and trust Him.


God I want to thank you for everything in my life and ask for forgiveness from all my sins. I want to come to you with a grateful heart all the time and asking Lord that I may be strengthened and may your divine protection be with me at all times. Remove from me all fear all anxiety and all feelings caused by the enemy of my soul. 



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