Bible study: 2 Corinthians 6 Pauls hardship

 I want to start this study by saying that this study is going to be done a little different and I won't be diving into each and every verse but I will with the power of God hopefully be able to help encourage others that are going through a tough time. 

I also want to encourage other to leave a comment of how you liked this study and anything you might want to say and let other know.

We will use the SOAP method and for those that don't know the SOAP method is an acronym to organize your bible study. The S stands for Scripture, O stands for observation, A stands for Application and P stands for prayer. 

Today we will read:

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6 


There are lots of people preaching how living for Christ is all full of Joy and you will never have to suffer again in this world and let me just say that is FALSE FALSE FLASE!

God never says that we won't go through trials in fact we can see it all over the bible that the greatest prophets and even Jesus Christ himself went through trials, therefore what makes us think that we will be spared from going though trials and tribulations? But in the middle of our problems we can rest in peace knowing that God is in control. 

When you are going through trials and tribulation I have noticed that one of the many verses on replay while I pray is Psalms 23. This psalm gives us strength to keep fighting knowing that we are not alone even in the valley of shadow of death He is with us. 


How can we apply what we learned in the chapter in out lives?

First lets remember that even when going through tough times God is with us. Lets always remember that the enemy is a lier and loves to confuse Gods people but we have the armor of God to fight with these demonic spirits. That being said, 

1- Remember that God loves us in the midst of our trials and problems, we are not a burden or a problem for God. But we need to remain in Him and be faithful even in our trials. We need to constantly seek God and cry in His presence and let it all out because He is the only one that can help us. When you said that you accepted God you were also putting all your anxiety and burdens on him so don't be anxious or worry but trust in the Lord because he is omniscient

2- PRAY. This is the key to keeping a good relationship with God and constantly asking Him for His complete armor. Trust me you need his complete armor because the enemy is not playing any games specially now in the times we are living. the Enemy will stand against you full force but if you have Gods armor you will stand firm on the rock and not fall. 

3- Read the WORD. I cannot stress this enough. when I go through things I find consolation in the word all the time because that is Gods living word to us. His word has made me cry and laugh many times knowing that these are words form God. When He says "When my father and mother forsake me,  then the Lord will take me up"psalm 27: 10 that means that your parents can leave you and your best friend can leave you but even then God will still take you as His son or daughter. God Love for us is infinite and it is out of this world. It is a love that we will not be able to comprehend but just knowing that the God who created the oceans and stars loves me should bring us comfort, right? 


Lord I present myself in front of you with a grateful heart, thanking you for everything in my life and the blessings you have given me, the ones I see and the ones I don't see. In this moment I want to ask you father to give me the strength to fight and to stay firm walking with you, Lord. I ask my God that I may have on your full armor at all times being vigilant to know where the enemy will attack. Give me the strength that Paul had while going through his trials. strengthen my heart, my mind and my mouth that every word that comes out of my mouth is words to glorify your name even in tough times. Thank you my God. Amen. 


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