James 1: 13-15 God doesn't tempt anyone

In the book of James there are many lessons to be learned if you really read them and study his word. This book tells us a lot of the things we cannot do and the things we should do. But today I want to talk about the verses 13 to 15, it states:

James - The Bible Project | Videos | The Bible App | Bible.com

13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Here we see very well what God is telling us not to do. (Do not give in on temptation)
But he also tells us that he doesn't tempt any one therefore we should never say that God has tempted us, because he hasn't. Growing up I heard a lot of people saying that what they were going through was God tempting them but that couldn't be farther from the truth. God loves us immensely and there is no reason for him to tempt us but it is also impossible for he himself be tempted. 
But it is said that the people are temped when they are pulled away from whats its good into their own evil desires. This means when you let your thoughts be infiltrated by the evil that is around, when you let those thoughts in, and you start begin tempted into doing something that is not good so therefore you are being tempted because you lack the strength to fight it. We need to strengthen ourselves in God so that when those thoughts come to mind we are strong enough to fight it and stay on Gods track. 
But if you are not strong enough to fight those desires, those desires turn into action becoming a sin. After a while if you haven't repented, you would have sin on sin on sin and at that point what you have left is death. That is what verse 15 is trying to tell us, that if we let ourselves be tempted and them act on those temptations you are sinning and that will eventually will be the end of you. 
Now, what can we do to not be tempted?
Nothing if I am being honest, as children of God we go through these things because the enemy doesn't want for us to see the glory of God therefore we need to work even harder for it. When we pray let us all ask God for strength and wisdom to be able to fight those temptation but also be wise enough to know when we are being tempted. 

I hope this was helpful to you guys and that you enjoyed reading this. Let me know if there is a book that you would like me to go over for you guys!
God bless!


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