Acts 6:1-15 Remove distractions


In the Chapter 6 of Acts we see the disciples and we also see 7 man that were chosen by God through them to speak to the Hellenistic Jews. 

Let's start by saying that the Hellenistic jew were basically Greek speaking jews. 

They were complaining to the disciples because they unintentionally overlooked their widows when distributing the food (6:1). This was charity work for the disciples, they were not called to do these things they were called to minister the word of God and what that initialed was lots of prayer and of course to minister the word, so they asked the Hellenistic Jews to choose 7 men among them that were wise and filled with the spirit. 2 of these men were Stephen and Philip who we hear more of throughout the bible. 

- We need to understand that God calls us to do certain things for him and we cannot do more than what he asks of us because we will end up losing focus on what he called us to do first. Like the disciples here, they had to let go of that distraction and let God do the rest. Whether that distraction is social media, procrastinating, work ( DON'T QUIT YOUR JOB) but don't let it distract you or rob you from your time with God, or school, or family. Understand that If God needs it to be done he will find the way to do it.

On Verse 8-15 we see how God used Stephen to do his work.

Stephen was not only speaking to the widows but he was also used by God to "perform great wonders and signs among the people" (6:8) , he also talked about God  and some member of the synagogue of the freemen (Jews who had been enslaved and then granted freedom) Gathered people to say lies about Stephen, they said that he had blasphemed against Moses and God (Jesus was accused of the same thing (Mark 14:63-64). But then we get "and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel" (6:15). God will always have your back when you are doing his work. We are NEVER alone doing this. Here we see the spirit manifesting itself just like He did with Moses (ex 34:28-30, 35) and with Jesus (Matt 17:2)


-Let go of distraction that are not getting you close to God and of things God didn't call you to do that are distracting you from your purpose. 

-Rest assure that if God needs something Done he will figure out a way to get it done.

- When God calls you to do something he will give you what you need to prevail + guide you and defend you. 


Lord Jesus I pray that you may reveal to me any distraction that is not allowing me to grow closer to you. Let your presence be shown in everything I do. 



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